Organic Orchard of Apples and Medicinal Herbs

An agricultural business, part of Puelche Group, dedicated to produce organic apples for export. The specific soil and weather characteristics of this place provide a special color and flavor to the fruit, a fact that is widely acknowledged by destination markets.

Furthermore, Agrícola Nancagua Ltda. cultivates medicinal and aromatic herbs to supply the commercial requirements for Puelche’s natural, high quality products.

“Our strategy is focused in doing things well, with taste, quality, and an unwavering respect for nature”.

Adding value to nature

Puelche Group

Av. Las Industrias 15800
Casilla 902
Los Ángeles, Región del Biobío
Zip Code: 4440000

+ 56 43 2630370


+ 56 43 2571640
